Tuesday, September 6, 2011


nobody is immune to stupidity.
Jesus had to experience death in order to overcome it.
you can not conquer in absentia.
In order to defeat or overcome something, you have to encounter it.You can not defeat what you have not faced. contact is the first prerequisite of victory. you must first agree that there is a problem. then you must identify it. them you must face it. only then can you overcome it. there can be no conquest without contact.

That is why Jesus and satan had to meet face to face. the outcome of that single and simple encounter bleeds into all our present lives today depending on who you are rooting for. those who root for Jesus ( not by eloquence and rhetoric , but by simple practice of the principles ) will achieve the same outcome ... and those who root for the other guy will get the same results too if they face an adversary as focused as Jesus. you simply have to face that which you fear the most. there is no other way up and out. forget religion .. forget dogma... hiding behind charisma and eloquence will only prolong your residence in the land of the foolish . only direct, bold, purposeful, focused and persistent action can bring abatement to your woes. that is why david had to RUN towards the giant.

Dont fool yourself to think he was not afraid . no right thinking person will not be afraid if he or she is facing a giant holding a sword meant for your head... the odds were obvious and apparent... ( if you were there you would not have expected the small boy to win ) but he knew the only way is forward. because backward is death either physically or spiritually... and the rest is history... the boy killed the giant..

he started the day as a nobody and ended it as an heir - apparent ... and married the kings daughter to boot ...

that is how obama won the highest seat on earth when 24 months before , he was virtually unknown. you do not need to be previously popular to be suddenly outstanding. once you have this in mind, you will not worry about any present disadvantage...

something new and great can happen to you today regardless of how yesterday was ... that is why despite the obvious fact that they were at the edge of a sea, God told moses to tell the people to " go forward " where is the logic in that ? go forward to where ??? wow !!!

sometimes what is logical can actually be foolish. sometimes what looks foolish can lead to redemption.. ( ??? ) it is impossible to prevent a mind which is bent on a goal from its objective provided the mind is resolute and true to its visions.... you must first of all overcome fear, ambivalence, self doubt," over sabi " , and procrastination. ....

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