Tuesday, September 6, 2011


And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth:
matthew 25:25

I read a story a long time ago about a man who sold his land so that he could raise money to join the rush for diamond prospecting that gripped many in the world over 100 years ago. He sold the land to raise money to travel and to buy equipment and other lands. He failed in his quest. He was unable to find one single diamond by the time his money had been exhausted. He died an old wretched man in a foreign land. Meanwhile, the person who bought his land made an astonishing discovery on his newly acquired property.

Diamonds! Plenty of diamonds in fact, the property is still one of the richest diamond mines in South Africa today. The largest diamond ever found was discovered on that land .

I read another story about two African children who were playing by the beach. They found a big shiny stone that looked like dirty glass. They did not know what it was but it was so attractive they could not throw it away. As they strolled along the beach passing the stone to one another like a toy, a passing man saw what they were playing with and offered them two sweets for the stone. They took the sweets and the man took the stone. The stone was a huge diamond worth many thousands of dollars. The children had sold a huge diamond for two sweets.

I read yet another story about a dog that was just moaning and groaning. A passer- by was curious and he asked the owner, ‘Why is this dog moaning and groaning?’. And the owner said ‘Because he is laying on a nail’. And he said, ‘Well, why doesn’t he just get off?’. And [the owner] said, ‘It’s not hurting bad enough for him to get off’.”

There is yet another story of a great king who had been annointed by God. He was tall , he was handsome and he was strong. He was a great warrior. Then from nowhere came a giant called goliath to challenge this king and his kingdom. The king cowered in the rear of his army in fear. Th fear spread to all the soldiers and it seemed the kingdom would be lost that day. Then a small boy came to the scene. He was not qualified to fight but he had no fear. He believed strongly that he could kill the giant despite the apparent disadvantage. And he killed the giant with a small stone propelled by a sling. The nation was saved that day by a small boy who believed he could.

I will not bore you with any more stories (for l know many) because l think you get the point. The authors of these stories seem reliable and I believe them. most people who are filled more with ego than a sensible desire for progress will focus more on wether the stories are true than on the manifest principles and lessons within. But the question of whether the stories are true or not is secondary to the fact that the presented scenarios are very plausible. Similar things are happening to us even here and now.

many of us have given up great opportunity in search of what seemed like a sure shot and now years later realise the folly of those rash actions. many of us have replaced the rough diamonds in our hands for sweets too. many of us are wailing in discomfort but " its not hurting bad enough to get up " and many of us are kings and queens in our kingdoms who have been driven to the rear of life by fear and self doubt while we watch less known but fearless upstarts steal our kingdoms from us.

The simple truth is that your present position in life is far away from your actual potential. You were born with greater power than you are presently using. please let it come out and help the world.

As you sit there to read these words, what is your story ?? Every waking moment of your life is writing a story. Every action we take is part of a story. I hope your story will be a good one.

please allow me to tell you another story that my mentor told me.

there was a man who was digging on his property looking for water. he picked a spot and began digging. when he had reached ten feet and found no water , he covered up the hole and picked another spot. again he dug ten feet and found no water and gave up on that hole and filled it up. he picked yet another spot and dug again .... again at about ten feet he gave up finding no water and the process reapted five more times before he recieved counsel from an observer. " my friend , you have dug eight holes to ten feet and found no water in any...... would it not have been better if you had dug the first one eithty feet ? "

i think the story explains itself .....

Discovery is the key to all recovery and you must have an awareness of the need to discover before you can proceed on your journey to success. The lack of this awareness is generally called ignorance and it will not change the fact that failure and poverty and mediocrity are very unpleasant visitors to your house....Especially when they come visiting together.

By the age of 60, most people in Africa are usually broke and unhappy. Many at this age can not afford to stop working. They still have to keep going out to work to bring in money. Just take a look at any African man or woman around you in this age category. Randomly observe at least ten to twenty adults in this age bracket male or female. Look closely at them. Then ask yourself if you would like to be like them when you get to that age.

The statistics of poverty in Africa are very high and very unnecessary given the amazing range of opportunities and resources available. we need to stop aportioning blame and start delploying progressive strategies. we are certainly capable. our people are bright , strong, smart and resilient. everything we need to succeed is available ... except attitude.. we are vain, short sighted, malicious and perpetually self defeating in our actions and thoughts. The purpose of this course and this movement is to see how the trend can be reversed.

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