Monday, September 12, 2011

random ramble...

everything in life has an element of grace....
that is the religious replica of the word luck.... i really agree... even your existence is by grace.
it is not because you are smarter than a dead man or another person your age who has cancer.
its just grace.
there are several permutations and connotations of this word depending on your perception or the dogma you embrace... call it karma.. call it whatever... i choose to summarise it as grace..... that which you can never get through effort except BABA gives it to you....
luck does not mean lazy... luck does not mean stupid but rich.... luck simply means you have the grace to be there and the circumstances are right to turn it to success ....
of course action is key ...
but action without direction is a form of madness.... and many of us do it .... and we dont realise....
we are very " busy" but we are not really growing... like a ceiling fan.. we spin but never leave the spot ... we cover our stagnation with eloquence and cash.....
environment is also important.....
there are very smart guys in afghanistan or somalia or haiti...
but their dreams and potentials may not see the light of day because of the environment....
so a change of environment is key...
the first environment is the one in your head.. it forms your attitude and directs your actions...
if that environment is properly arranged... it is just a matter of time before the physical environment conforms...
the physical can never disobey the physical... that is impossible.... impossible.
so the guy in afagnanistan ( or any other environment that is not condisive to progress and comfort ) needs to make a clear choice..... stay there and wallow or move out and see if you can soar...
there is no room for sentiment... .. sentiment can never be compatible with economics ...
you dont negitiate with a chicken that you want to cook or fry..

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