Tuesday, September 6, 2011

When you look at a big and beautiful house, it is funny to note that the owner never carried a single brick to build the house. The owner just had an idea and it congealed into a set of instructions backed by resources. It is vision that gives meaning and direction to resources. There are many who have plenty of money but have built nothing. Is it not funny that the one who lives in the house did not carry a single brick towards the construction ?? Some of those who carried the bricks to build the house are actually homeless. Ideas and visions have no sentiment. They are like bullets that Peirce the heart of the most beloved of the owner of the gun. Once an idea is ignited, it grows and congeals. The outcome of the execution will now be described according to the effect it has on the describing mind .. Good or bad. There is no economic gain in sentiment. No matter how you do it, somebody will be offended. Let us look at the process of frying eggs to eat. ( don't laugh ) what do you think the opinion of the egg will be in the matter assuming it had a say ?? There will be no consensus. The negotiations are likely to end in a stalemate because there is no option that can leave the egg intact which will at the same time give you fried eggs to eat. Unless you agree to be hypnotized ( laugh ). In the same way , there is no consensus that will allow you to have quality wooden furniture that will not require the felling of an innocent tree. So what do you do ? You have to eat the egg and you have to have the furniture. The egg must be cracked and the three must fall and both must submit to processing based on your intention. What you now have to do is to find an eloquent way to justify your savagery. That is politics for you.

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