Tuesday, October 19, 2010

goodluck nigeria

Nigeria should not make the same mistake that Israel did. our nation is also at the edge of a great decisive battle. if we lose the battle, we will become "slaves". if we win we retain our dignity and have a unique opportunity to change our destiny for good. our children will be better for it. ( many of them are being born on foreign shores without an inkling of their unique heritage )..... Goliath is out there shouting ..... " send me a champion " " let us fight. if i defeat him you will serve us...... if he defeats me, we will serve you "...... he was a really big guy. Goliath is today represented by the selfish powers that be in our great nation. they are indeed financial giants..... on the surface ... it would seem that they can not be defeated..... but we all know what happened to Goliath that day.... but Saul had to first of all agree to let the boy go and face the giant... David did not seem qualified at all.. his proposal and battle strategy were unorthodox and seemed ridiculous.... a pebble instead of serious military equipment... that story.. simple as it seems, is resoundingly profound and prophetic... it is a wonder to ponder upon...

.....and Nigeria is in similar straits this very season... our destiny depends on the choices we make.... we have trusted in man up till now and we are yet to reap beneficial outcomes.... it is time to look deeper at what God would have us do .... if not for David that day, Israel would have become enslaved. from nowhere, the boy came with new ideas .. a pebble to the forehead.. very unusual but effective. it is interesting to note that the "boy" we have..... now bears the name of David's best friend. there was a covenant between David and Jonathan.... covenants are strong things.... logic can never decipher them.... only faith can....the strange circumstance around Goodluck's emergence are worthy of note....originally an " errand boy " ( just like David ) ... he may become the king we need ... let us wish Goodluck .. good luck.

i believe strongly that every little drop counts. whatever resources you have must be thrown into the arsenal to bring in a new order. prayerfully looking at our issues now.... we have an opportunity to radically shift the balance of power , focus and the whole politics of that country by working to put this young man in power. it is not about the individual ... it is about the need to change the trend which had up to date been expensively futile ..... i don't know about him. in fact, i don't really care about him ... but his person and emergence at this time portends good for our nation..... i can feel it ....

whoever you are, wherever you are .... root for goodluck. pray for goodluck. ask for goodluck. talk about goodluck. think of goodluck... create a tidal wave of oipnion that no Goliath can withstand. let the force of our collective passion sweep across the nation and wash the tyranny away. there is no amount of money that can stop a tsunami.... and when the water subsides , we will see that we have ushered in a new era in which we can grow with the clear confidence that the future is bright... we deserve it.

Nigeria really deserves to be great.

Arise, O compatriots,
Nigeria's call obey
To serve our Fatherland
With love and strength and faith.
The labour of our heroes past
Shall never be in vain,
To serve with heart and might
One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.

Nigeria we hail thee,
Our own dear native land,
Though tribes and tongues may differ,
In brotherhood we stand,
Nigerians all are proud to serve
Our sovereign Motherland.

Our flag shall be a symbol
That truth and justice reign,
In peace or battle honour'd,
And this we count as gain,
To hand on to our children
A banner without stain.

O God of all creation,
Grant this our one request,
Help us to build a nation
Where no man is oppressed,
And so with peace and plenty
Nigeria may be blessed.

this is the time..... this is the hour.... all over the world .... pray.... work....think.....contribute....

Goodluck Nigeria !!!


when i wrote this post, the elections were round the corner and i was so sure that GOODLUCK would bring goodluck. he was such an unusual choice... i was not in the country at that time to have an actual feel of things on the ground in Nigeria, but i just had this feeling that this unknown guy ... this dark horse.. this young man who is apparently being positioned at the behest of higher political forces ... could actually be the game changer for this country.

i was really optimistic. really optimistic.. sigh !! it seemed so naive of me to hing my convictions and opinions on a hunch .. just because his name is goodluck and because at last he is a complete unknown individual that would represent a break from the stranglehold that some people have on the neck of this nation. one could actually say i was naive... and one would not be very wrong.. lol.

then i remembered Isaiah 55: 8 which says ...

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

i also remembered psalm 33: 11 which says...
The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.

then i remembered the way a set of brothers sold their own brother into slavery. and the cahin of events that led the boy who was sold through slavery to prison and then to the highest position in the only economically buoyant nation on earth at that time. the evil act that the brothers did was actually a single strand in a web of provision that God was weaving for a covenant nation yet unborn. it was quite a thing to imagine.

no analyst could have seen at the time the boy was being sold into slavery that things would end up tha way they did. none ! so at that end of the day... who has the final say ?? you know the rest of the song ....

so as much as i am tempted to recant my high expectations from this " apparently unlucky guy " , I WILL STILL STAND BY MY ASSERTION THAT GOODLUCK WILL BRING GOODLUCK TO NIGERIA. IT MAY NOT LOOK LIKE THAT NOW .... but it will happen ..

psst ... i hope it will be soon... it would be really cool for nice things to happen while we still live .. lol

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