Monday, September 12, 2011

random ramble...

everything in life has an element of grace....
that is the religious replica of the word luck.... i really agree... even your existence is by grace.
it is not because you are smarter than a dead man or another person your age who has cancer.
its just grace.
there are several permutations and connotations of this word depending on your perception or the dogma you embrace... call it karma.. call it whatever... i choose to summarise it as grace..... that which you can never get through effort except BABA gives it to you....
luck does not mean lazy... luck does not mean stupid but rich.... luck simply means you have the grace to be there and the circumstances are right to turn it to success ....
of course action is key ...
but action without direction is a form of madness.... and many of us do it .... and we dont realise....
we are very " busy" but we are not really growing... like a ceiling fan.. we spin but never leave the spot ... we cover our stagnation with eloquence and cash.....
environment is also important.....
there are very smart guys in afghanistan or somalia or haiti...
but their dreams and potentials may not see the light of day because of the environment....
so a change of environment is key...
the first environment is the one in your head.. it forms your attitude and directs your actions...
if that environment is properly arranged... it is just a matter of time before the physical environment conforms...
the physical can never disobey the physical... that is impossible.... impossible.
so the guy in afagnanistan ( or any other environment that is not condisive to progress and comfort ) needs to make a clear choice..... stay there and wallow or move out and see if you can soar...
there is no room for sentiment... .. sentiment can never be compatible with economics ...
you dont negitiate with a chicken that you want to cook or fry..

Saturday, September 10, 2011

You don't need to know about a war to die in one . But it will be really foolish to die cheaply in a war that you had foreknowledge about. If you don't know that life is war .. You better open your eyes fast ,., or you may be consumed by the movement of events. You may become a slave to the inevitable process of change. The greatest weapon of warfare is the mind. The mind is the gateway to the realms of real reality. The spiritual realm and the here. You must guard your mind jealously. If you are not working on your mind through self development, then you can be sure that somebody else is working on it through their products and ideas, wake up soldier. Get up and fight for yur destiny. Get up and change the game. I have seem a team which was down by four goals win a football game 5 - 4 . I have seen it. It is not over till the whistle gets blown. If you are reading this then your whistle has not yet been blown. You still have time , age is never an issue attitude is all that matters..... So you are four goals down .. I say to you today that you will win the game if only you can get up now. ...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

When you look at a big and beautiful house, it is funny to note that the owner never carried a single brick to build the house. The owner just had an idea and it congealed into a set of instructions backed by resources. It is vision that gives meaning and direction to resources. There are many who have plenty of money but have built nothing. Is it not funny that the one who lives in the house did not carry a single brick towards the construction ?? Some of those who carried the bricks to build the house are actually homeless. Ideas and visions have no sentiment. They are like bullets that Peirce the heart of the most beloved of the owner of the gun. Once an idea is ignited, it grows and congeals. The outcome of the execution will now be described according to the effect it has on the describing mind .. Good or bad. There is no economic gain in sentiment. No matter how you do it, somebody will be offended. Let us look at the process of frying eggs to eat. ( don't laugh ) what do you think the opinion of the egg will be in the matter assuming it had a say ?? There will be no consensus. The negotiations are likely to end in a stalemate because there is no option that can leave the egg intact which will at the same time give you fried eggs to eat. Unless you agree to be hypnotized ( laugh ). In the same way , there is no consensus that will allow you to have quality wooden furniture that will not require the felling of an innocent tree. So what do you do ? You have to eat the egg and you have to have the furniture. The egg must be cracked and the three must fall and both must submit to processing based on your intention. What you now have to do is to find an eloquent way to justify your savagery. That is politics for you.


If you bury a pebble, it will obey the law of gravity and stay in the ground. It may even sink deeper with time. If you bury a seed, it obeys a different law and grows out of the ground… Against the pull of gravity.

If you look at the pebble and you look at the seed… you will see that they are somewhat alike to the naked eye. What makes them different is what is inside them. What is inside the pebble is not what is inside the seed. That is why a pebble is called a pebble and a seed is called a seed.

People are the same. We all look similar but have different content. Some people are like the seed and some are like the pebble. Some people remain the same without changing or growing. They simply get born, live like every other person, attend weddings , pay bills, grow old and die. And get buried like the pebble they resemble.

Another set are bent on expressing God given potentials to affect lives and add value. It is from this set that the rest of the world is watered. andrew carnegie said that a life which does not add value is wortheless. just like a tree which does not bear fruit.

it is possible to have plenty of money and still feel insecure. it is possible to know many people and still feel lonely. you can own many houses but never feel at home. the adding of value is the only thing that nourishes society. that is why there are so many people who have money in africa but the continent is still poor. ( i can tell you confidently that there are some nigerians who have more money than some small nations of the world. but they are also among the most insecure people on the continent. ) the only way to get money without adding value is to acquire it fraudulently. sadly that is how most of the money in africa is acquired. money is not wealth. wealth is something that comes as aresult of the creation of value.

The interesting thing is that all people regardless of their heritage or background can choose which to be ... The pebble or the seed. In fact the whether we see it or not, we are by our daily actions choosing sides.

to be a seed is hard. It is not easy to grow to be exponentially greater than your original size and even produce thousands of other seeds and even trees. ( especially when you are in the midst of pebbles ) The process of transformation from seed to tree is very stressful and filled with challenges. That is why it is more convenient to be a neat pebble. A pebble can not produce other pebbles. It can only break into several smaller bits. This is not multiplication. it is division.

so what is my point ??

Every single person is either growing or diminishing. we must make a conscious choice to grow. with each waking moment of our life , you are either contributing or collecting. adding or subtracting. Age has nothing to do with it. if there was a fire in a south african house today and a 27 year old drug addict was in it beside nelson mandela ... and they can only save one person... who do you think they will choose to save ?? you become a person of worth based on the value you give with your life or talent it has nothing to do with how old you are. wole soyinka, fela, gani, awo, achebe, all are perpetually valuable even in death. you can chose to be so too. africa can never grow until its young people decide to stop acting like consumers and start offering product or service value. if fundamental paradigms do not change, circumstances will remain the same regardless of length of fasting.......

It is all a matter of choice… are you a pebble or are you a seed?


As long as you continue to blame another person or factor for your problems , it will increase. As long as you continue to wait for a perfect time or day to do that which you determine to do, your problems will also increase. As long as you keep thinking that your solution or help is somewhere outside you, the challenge will remain too and may even seem to increase. But the moment you get up and do something by yourself , the problem will recede and with your constancy ,focus and resolve , it will reduce and eventually fade away. When you stand up, your destiny too will stand up. when you move forward, your destiny also moves forward. but if you fold your hands in frustration, confusion or self pity ..... the exact reflection is visible in your destiny.... it is that simple.


And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth:
matthew 25:25

I read a story a long time ago about a man who sold his land so that he could raise money to join the rush for diamond prospecting that gripped many in the world over 100 years ago. He sold the land to raise money to travel and to buy equipment and other lands. He failed in his quest. He was unable to find one single diamond by the time his money had been exhausted. He died an old wretched man in a foreign land. Meanwhile, the person who bought his land made an astonishing discovery on his newly acquired property.

Diamonds! Plenty of diamonds in fact, the property is still one of the richest diamond mines in South Africa today. The largest diamond ever found was discovered on that land .

I read another story about two African children who were playing by the beach. They found a big shiny stone that looked like dirty glass. They did not know what it was but it was so attractive they could not throw it away. As they strolled along the beach passing the stone to one another like a toy, a passing man saw what they were playing with and offered them two sweets for the stone. They took the sweets and the man took the stone. The stone was a huge diamond worth many thousands of dollars. The children had sold a huge diamond for two sweets.

I read yet another story about a dog that was just moaning and groaning. A passer- by was curious and he asked the owner, ‘Why is this dog moaning and groaning?’. And the owner said ‘Because he is laying on a nail’. And he said, ‘Well, why doesn’t he just get off?’. And [the owner] said, ‘It’s not hurting bad enough for him to get off’.”

There is yet another story of a great king who had been annointed by God. He was tall , he was handsome and he was strong. He was a great warrior. Then from nowhere came a giant called goliath to challenge this king and his kingdom. The king cowered in the rear of his army in fear. Th fear spread to all the soldiers and it seemed the kingdom would be lost that day. Then a small boy came to the scene. He was not qualified to fight but he had no fear. He believed strongly that he could kill the giant despite the apparent disadvantage. And he killed the giant with a small stone propelled by a sling. The nation was saved that day by a small boy who believed he could.

I will not bore you with any more stories (for l know many) because l think you get the point. The authors of these stories seem reliable and I believe them. most people who are filled more with ego than a sensible desire for progress will focus more on wether the stories are true than on the manifest principles and lessons within. But the question of whether the stories are true or not is secondary to the fact that the presented scenarios are very plausible. Similar things are happening to us even here and now.

many of us have given up great opportunity in search of what seemed like a sure shot and now years later realise the folly of those rash actions. many of us have replaced the rough diamonds in our hands for sweets too. many of us are wailing in discomfort but " its not hurting bad enough to get up " and many of us are kings and queens in our kingdoms who have been driven to the rear of life by fear and self doubt while we watch less known but fearless upstarts steal our kingdoms from us.

The simple truth is that your present position in life is far away from your actual potential. You were born with greater power than you are presently using. please let it come out and help the world.

As you sit there to read these words, what is your story ?? Every waking moment of your life is writing a story. Every action we take is part of a story. I hope your story will be a good one.

please allow me to tell you another story that my mentor told me.

there was a man who was digging on his property looking for water. he picked a spot and began digging. when he had reached ten feet and found no water , he covered up the hole and picked another spot. again he dug ten feet and found no water and gave up on that hole and filled it up. he picked yet another spot and dug again .... again at about ten feet he gave up finding no water and the process reapted five more times before he recieved counsel from an observer. " my friend , you have dug eight holes to ten feet and found no water in any...... would it not have been better if you had dug the first one eithty feet ? "

i think the story explains itself .....

Discovery is the key to all recovery and you must have an awareness of the need to discover before you can proceed on your journey to success. The lack of this awareness is generally called ignorance and it will not change the fact that failure and poverty and mediocrity are very unpleasant visitors to your house....Especially when they come visiting together.

By the age of 60, most people in Africa are usually broke and unhappy. Many at this age can not afford to stop working. They still have to keep going out to work to bring in money. Just take a look at any African man or woman around you in this age category. Randomly observe at least ten to twenty adults in this age bracket male or female. Look closely at them. Then ask yourself if you would like to be like them when you get to that age.

The statistics of poverty in Africa are very high and very unnecessary given the amazing range of opportunities and resources available. we need to stop aportioning blame and start delploying progressive strategies. we are certainly capable. our people are bright , strong, smart and resilient. everything we need to succeed is available ... except attitude.. we are vain, short sighted, malicious and perpetually self defeating in our actions and thoughts. The purpose of this course and this movement is to see how the trend can be reversed.


nobody is immune to stupidity.
Jesus had to experience death in order to overcome it.
you can not conquer in absentia.
In order to defeat or overcome something, you have to encounter it.You can not defeat what you have not faced. contact is the first prerequisite of victory. you must first agree that there is a problem. then you must identify it. them you must face it. only then can you overcome it. there can be no conquest without contact.

That is why Jesus and satan had to meet face to face. the outcome of that single and simple encounter bleeds into all our present lives today depending on who you are rooting for. those who root for Jesus ( not by eloquence and rhetoric , but by simple practice of the principles ) will achieve the same outcome ... and those who root for the other guy will get the same results too if they face an adversary as focused as Jesus. you simply have to face that which you fear the most. there is no other way up and out. forget religion .. forget dogma... hiding behind charisma and eloquence will only prolong your residence in the land of the foolish . only direct, bold, purposeful, focused and persistent action can bring abatement to your woes. that is why david had to RUN towards the giant.

Dont fool yourself to think he was not afraid . no right thinking person will not be afraid if he or she is facing a giant holding a sword meant for your head... the odds were obvious and apparent... ( if you were there you would not have expected the small boy to win ) but he knew the only way is forward. because backward is death either physically or spiritually... and the rest is history... the boy killed the giant..

he started the day as a nobody and ended it as an heir - apparent ... and married the kings daughter to boot ...

that is how obama won the highest seat on earth when 24 months before , he was virtually unknown. you do not need to be previously popular to be suddenly outstanding. once you have this in mind, you will not worry about any present disadvantage...

something new and great can happen to you today regardless of how yesterday was ... that is why despite the obvious fact that they were at the edge of a sea, God told moses to tell the people to " go forward " where is the logic in that ? go forward to where ??? wow !!!

sometimes what is logical can actually be foolish. sometimes what looks foolish can lead to redemption.. ( ??? ) it is impossible to prevent a mind which is bent on a goal from its objective provided the mind is resolute and true to its visions.... you must first of all overcome fear, ambivalence, self doubt," over sabi " , and procrastination. ....