Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Saying that you are too old to change or that you have stayed too long in a place to start anew is to confess your permanent residency in Egypt. Egypt is a symbol of bondage .Egypt is not necessarily a bad place. There is food there: there is clothing and shelter there, but you will always be in bondage. Slavery is not necessarily a bad thing. Some slaves feed better than many who are not slaves. But there is a spark within the human soul which requires freedom and independence of spirit. freedom to dream and dare is the real platform of wealth. In order to see this realm, you need to remove the blindfolds of assumptions which already exist in your mind..... most of these assumptions are like software programs which have over time been embedded in our minds through a process called a curriculum. from junior school to senior school ....... if you are told something enough times you are very likely to begin to accept it as fact. this is true of almost everything we have come to take for granted in this life. the system programs us and then seals in the program with ego. then when something comes to question those assumptiions.. we fight vehemently to hold on to our synthetic reality. we hate change...... we would be naked without our dear assumptions. it is better to hold on to a lie and look respectable than to embrace the truth and be naked .... ?? we all do this in one way or the other.